I happened upon your article by mere chance, clicking on it from a list of ten options I could read under “Personal Growth.”
I am a strong advocate of boundaries for those who are naturally empathic, in part because it is common sense for self-care, and in part because it prevents resentment from taking up space in one’s psyche. It has been a beautiful journey for me to get clear enough and take responsibility to consistently practice good boundaries. I’ve been able to remain true to my compassionate nature despite the challenges, including the likelihood of being misperceived as uncaring or callous by those who are not allowed to control you.
Everything you wrote resonated with me. Your use of language is different from how I tend to describe things — I tend to be more direct in my communication style, to the point that words I use are sometimes viewed as harsh on some topics. And yet, I was drawn in by how you approached the subject from multiple angles. I was able to nod in agreement with the examples and situations you shared. Reminds me of the satisfaction I experience when something registers on multiple levels — intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. Your article felt like an enjoyable, full-course meal.